As a business owner you try to keep cost down because the business world is full of uncertainties. Fortunately technology has evolved that really does bring costs down.
Ultimately your business can be much more profitable and you can maintain a competitive advantage, if you know what to implement.
Here are top 5 reasons why your business should have its own phone numbers.
- Personal phone calls: Believe it or not 35% of phone calls to your business are personal. It’s the soccer coach, the dentist, the lawyer, the spouse, the children, and more. If your staff are answering the calls that aren’t for them, it’s an interruption and an incredible waste of time for everyone. Let’s say you only have a receptionist answer calls. Literally 1/3 of their time is wasted answering personal calls. If they make $20,000 a year (a very conservative number), it means a waste of $7,000 a year Can you imagine if all your phones ring, and all staff answer phones, and have to transfer calls around? What a waste of money, what a waste of your money.!
- Sales: Sales people do not want to miss calls. Every call is a potential sale. With their own phone number, not only can they get direct calls, they can have their cell phone ring at the same time. This means they receive all calls for them. It means more than that. They can now tell customers to call one number and they can always get in touch. With free incoming calls from the cell phone provider all calls are free. No matter where the phone is answered.
- Business Continuity: Not that we ever expect our businesses to have an issue with a disaster but you watch the news, and it really happens. Statistics show that the chances of a business surviving a hurricane, an earth quake, or a fire, are almost nil. A plan needs to be in place to continue your business even if your physical location is gone. With direct lines and cell phone pairing you have the biggest part of that plan covered. We can even remotely forward your numbers anywhere, instantly, if your place of business is disrupted for any reason.
- Service: Your service department really should have a direct number. Your clients do not want to wait for service, or be transferred around until they get the right extension when they have a problem. They do business with places that provide a live answer, and especially ones that provide that live answer quickly.
- Lifestyle for you, the owner: Finally something in it for you. With new technology, we can “mirror” your office, in your home. Can you imagine being able to help your kids with their homework, put them to bed, and then finish your work from earlier? Or maybe you want to get some work done for the eastern time zone before you go to the office. Before, you stayed late at the office, and went in to work early. Missing the most important parts of life. With technology that’s available today, and affordable to your business we can give you the lifestyle you should really be living.
Olayokun Olayinka B.
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